Sunday, March 27, 2016


It's been one of those weeks that makes it really, really hard to wait for my lease to be up to move out.

One of my roommates told our old roommate-- the one who moved out early and screwed us all over by messing up our leases-- that she'd watch her dogs for her.  For a week.  Right after I just moved a shit-ton of new furniture into the house.

It's hard to be so mad about this because a part of me goes, "Madi. You freaking idiot.  It's stuff."  After talking it over with a coworker, though, I realized that I'm single and I'm about to move into my own place.  Because of this, my stuff is kind of a big deal to me-- it sort of defines my new life moving forward.  The couch is going to be my first couch all to myself.  My new TV is the TV I'll be watching on Saturday nights when I have my friends over.  My new rug is the first big piece of furniture I've ever had to drop big money on-- money I've worked so hard to earn.

It sounds really shallow and sometimes I tell myself that at least I have a roof over my head in the first place, and that's true.   I do deserve to be happy, though, and living here just doesn't do that for me anymore.

I'm chomping at the bit to leave this house and move into my new place, but I just have to wait.  Wait, wait, wait, and work.

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